Sudden Attack Hacks


Sudden Attack  Hack Features:
These are the current features of the Alliance of Valiant Arms hack (features will get updated randomly)

- Aimbot
o AimThru
o AimAt
o AimKey
o Visibility Check
o AutoSwitch
o Adjustable Field of View
o Aim Speed
o Human Aim

- Esp
o Name
o Distance
o Pose
o Weapon
o Health
o Line
o Bounding Box
o Enemy Warning
o 2D Radar
o Ignore friends

- Removals
o No Spread

- Misc
o Chat Spam
o Draw Fps
o Draw Time
o Draw Resolution
o Custrom crosshair

- Settings
o Menu Pos X
o Menu Pos Y
o Menu Width
o Radar Pos X
o Radar Pos Y
o Radar Size
o Crosshair Red
o Crosshair Green
o Crosshair Blue
o Save settings( 4 slots )
o Load settings( 4 slots )